Walking in the footsteps of a Sage, Nelson Mandela

With our first child in the house 2023 has been a slow reading year. Great to finally get stuck into Nelson Mandela’s “A Long Walk to Freedom”. Shame on me for taking so long! The autobiography is a profound testament to resilience and perseverance. It’s almost unimaginable that Madiba endured 27 years in prison, yet … More Walking in the footsteps of a Sage, Nelson Mandela

Principles to live by

“What are your principles?” my sister in-law Ameera asked me recently. I recoiled slightly. It is such a big question and it requires deep thought so… I brushed it off. A few days later I was reading the philosopher Epictetus. There is no escaping the direct line of questioning from the stoics… You are right … More Principles to live by

The Grapes of Wrath – John Steinbeck

A wonderfully captivating and truly depressing book – it is clear why this is a literary great. John Steinbeck describes the journey of the Joad family from Oklahoma to California during the dust bowl of the great depression. Despair drips heavily off every page and Steinbeck captures the emotions skillfully. One technique was the naïve … More The Grapes of Wrath – John Steinbeck

SM (ed. 15) Bitcoin is the Reserve Asset of Crypto

There is immense value in the broader crypto ecosystem of decentralised financial technologies but the bright shiny lights of the fastest appreciating token also pose a risk. Desire to beat the market can distract us. Bitcoin remains the most important asset in the ecosystem because of its resilience to external attack. Bitcoin is a reserve … More SM (ed. 15) Bitcoin is the Reserve Asset of Crypto