Reminiscences of a Stock Operator by Edwin Lefèvre

A short book review from an investing classic. I enjoyed the turn of the century historical context, the booms and busts of the time and the different character of the investment management industry. For example, when Livermore was on holiday in Palm Beach Florida, he had to go into the physical trading houses to see … More Reminiscences of a Stock Operator by Edwin Lefèvre

SM (Ed.20) Sanctions and War raise importance of Border-less, Censorship Resistant tech

Wow, what a month! We will only know in hindsight, but Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and the resulting financial response from the west could be pivotal in the evolution of the global monetary system. As people try to make heads or tails of the destruction in the Ukraine potentially seismic shifts are underway financially. The … More SM (Ed.20) Sanctions and War raise importance of Border-less, Censorship Resistant tech

SM Market Review (Jan 2022): Institutional demand at lower prices in choppy conditions

There are a lot of conflicting signals in the markets at the start of February 2022. The central banking monetary experiment is a long-term catalyst for bitcoin, but the Fed is reversing the trajectory temporarily this year. Macro conditions are responding (before the Fed has done much) which reveals both systemic fragility and a seasonal … More SM Market Review (Jan 2022): Institutional demand at lower prices in choppy conditions

SM (ed.17): Co-opted by Wall Street – Bitcoin’s Biggest Risk?

I am often accused on being a bitcoin evangelist with nothing negative to say about bitcoin. Well, here is a risk that most people do not think about… Being co-opted by Wall St. Bitcoin’s potential is immense – an independent global reserve asset, the foundation of a more ethical financial system, uncorrupted by centralized financial … More SM (ed.17): Co-opted by Wall Street – Bitcoin’s Biggest Risk?

SM Market Review (Sept 2021) Reflection, support and maintenance of fundamental value

Headline crypto markets were flat over the past month, which took me somewhat by surprise so in this months market comment I conduct a brief reflection. TLDR: Derivative markets, Evergrande fears and some regulatory fears put crypto on the back-burner. While I am reflective, I am unconcerned. Fundamentals are strong, bitcoin is deeply undervalued and … More SM Market Review (Sept 2021) Reflection, support and maintenance of fundamental value

SM Market Review (Aug 2021) 25% undervalued, substantial upside price risks

In the past we used to write more detailed and opinionated pieces on market conditions. We are veering away from that to a short and succinct monthly market comment. We’ll keep opinions more thematic in nature and release those separately. What has happened in the month of August? After reaching a low of $29,800 in … More SM Market Review (Aug 2021) 25% undervalued, substantial upside price risks

SM (ed. 14) Crypto yields are sucking in trad-fi

Traditional investors are confounded by the yields available in crypto. We earn next to nothing on traditional dollars but earn 5%+ on crypto dollars. I can imagine traditional investors look in from the outside and think “this is too good to be true!”, “Those bright shiny lights in the distance are going to blow up … More SM (ed. 14) Crypto yields are sucking in trad-fi